Christianity’s Four Secrets

Discover the key to eternal life with God in Heaven by learning the truth about the four secrets most churches seem unwilling to discuss.


Deepen your faith while being encouraged to write, through scripture and suggestions for each week, with our 52-week devotional journal for women.

Children’s Books

You can have a beautiful, wholesome bonding experience with your child by reading our Christian children’s books together.

Other works by the Author

What’s Heaven All About?

Where do we go when we die, are Heaven and Hell real, and what does the Bible say about Heaven? In this in depth analysis of the scriptures, we will explore all the questions people ask the most about Heaven, and where we will spend eternity.

This 84-page booklet gives you all the answers to the questions you most want to know about where we and our loved ones go when we die, specifically what the Bible scripture says about Heaven, avoiding the unnecessary filler pages one might find in larger manuscripts of its kind.

The Hour Is Near

The Rapture is near, all around us we can see the signs of the time indicating that the end times are upon us. In this book we take a more intensive look at the book of Revelation, modern day Christian cults, and the signs of the Antichrist.

The Hour Is Near is a unique, 62-page booklet for Christians wanting to understand critical information about the End of days without being distracted by redundant and unimportant information. Condensed into an easy-to-read booklet, it incorporates the very essence of the End Times.